The Myopic View versus the Big Picture

How many times have we waited for a miracle to happen? Can you recall the countless times where you have desperately imagined something, while a tiny voice inside you whispers ‘that’s never going to happen.’ That hopeless feeling within you that dreams of those impractical absurd outcomes.

Not to rub in the wrong way, it might not be the case for merely those hopeless thoughts alone that brings about such. Sometimes some form of happy euphoria can also result in having these ‘perfect’ thoughts which we perceive will bring us inconceivable happiness.

I’m certain every individual can recollect numerous situations where things have worked out totally different to that which was initially perceived. Instead there might have been brand new circumstances that had taken place that our miniature minds couldn’t have ever imagined. All in all, things perhaps ended well.

That’s the beauty of it. Our small minds can’t quite capture the bigger plans the Almighty has for us. While we imagine and find solutions for our problems in one way and within a limited scope, God’s plans are far better and beyond any scope that the human mind can perceive. This is the main reason why we need to do things within our ability and stress less about things beyond our control.

We need to trust the Almighty better in every situation because His plans for us are way bigger than our microscopic imagination. Just trust that every single circumstance in life is just God putting the big picture right for you 🙂


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