Empathy vs Academics

Competition and stress to be academically successful can dim your child’s hidden talents.

If you judge the capability of a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will forever be unsuccessful and incompetent as fish thrive in water.

Likewise, every child has inbuilt talent that varies from another. While some may perform better with books, there will be others who have a creative spark.

Let not the rat race to get better marks dull their shine and kill their confidence.

Instead, teach your children to do their part by revising and trying their best at exams. Let not the outcome matter as far as they have tried.

Children will thrive confidently in the long run in an environment where parents are supportive and kind than with those who are cold and pushy.

Focus on understanding what their talents and interests are and help build on that. Discovering individual passion is a driver of internal success.

So if parents focus on pushing that energy from getting better marks to teaching kids empathy and love instead the world will have better individuals.

Remember the world already has sufficient academics and competition, what the world lacks is empathy and aunthentic individuals.


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