Snapped by a Cat

Whoever coined the term ‘as quiet as a cat’ probably had never stepped on one. Cats aren’t quiet and they are far from it if ever you happened to step on one. It all happened on a Sunday afternoon and the weather just seemed perfect. I decided to make a dash all the way from the kitchen to the garden. I don’t understand in what state of euphoria I was in but it was most unfortunate for the stray cat that made it’s rounds in the kitchen.

In my attempt of making the 100 meter dash i stepped on the creature even though stepped seems to be an understatement, in fact, rather I jumped on its stomach. It was a totally unique scenario because I didn’t realize what was happening nor did the cat for that matter. It clutched my leg for support and I screamed as I couldn’t understand the furry feeling on my legs. Either way, those around heard dramatic inhuman howling from the cat and me. I can’t really explain which was worse.

The worst was yet to come when I realized that the cat had left a gash on my leg. The fact that it was a stray cat did not help the situation any further. Being a born injection freak or for that matter any form of needle freak, a rabies vaccination was the last thing I wanted. I left to the doctors to convince both himself and me that a vaccination will not be required. Well, I was in for quite a surprise because the doctor did agree I wouldn’t be needing one injection but six in total!!! The height of pure devastation!

So as the saying has it, it does not rain but it pours. After all the injection drama finished, I proceeded home with my fear for cats having reached a whole new advanced level. However, the cat’s fear for me had reached an even higher level because upon seeing me the cat leaped back and ran under the table! Now that all feelings are mutual between the cat and me, we both maintain a safe distance from each other for the betterment and well-being of one other. What a catty experience 😉


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